EERA Videos
Practical Guide to Recycling
Responsible Recycling
Latest Publications
Launch of Greek WEEE Study
The official launch of a Greek WEEE Study carried out by Eunomia Research was held in Athens on 14th December 2023
Media Release
Retirement of Alain Vassart & appointment of Julie-Ann Adams
Joint Statement - EERA & FEAD on OECD/Basel changes for e-waste
EERA and FEAD joint response to the European commision on the incorporation into the OECD decision of recent amendments to basel convention
EERA Statement on the limit values for UTC
EERA Statement on the limit values for unintentional trace contaminants (UTC)
EERA Response to Call for Evidence - WEEE Review Oct 2022
European Commission – Call for Evidence for an Evaluation
Recycle it all, no matter how small!
EERA Announces results of photo competition to celebrate Int. EWASTE Day 2022
EERA co-sign an industry position paper on WSR
Industry Coalition Position on the Revision of the Waste Shipment Regulation
Position Statement on ODS Regulation
Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer Regulation
Towards an EU WEEE Regulation:
the position of the European Electronics Recyclers Association
Recovery of plastic should continue without barriers!
EERA Members want MORE E-Waste plastic to be recovered from WASTE!
Joint Position Statement on proposed amendments to WSR
Waste Shipment Regulation (WSR) Proposed Amendments by European Parliament
NSS RR Fast Track Report - Jan 2022
Feed-Back to the public consultation from the working group “Fast Track Notifications”
Improving the loops of plastics in electronics
During the IERC 2022 conference in Salzburg from 18 – 21 January, BSEF organized a workshop about WEEE plastics
Fact sheet Low POP Content Threshold
For PBDE and HBCDD as proposed by the EU COM and the EU Parliament
Character of fires caused by batteries in WEEE
Survey results from the WEEE management chain
Critical Raw Materials Recycling
CEWASTE final report
Improving the circularity of rechargeable batteries
Europe’s circular economy leaders demand removable, replaceable, and repairable batteries
Study on Quality Standards for the Treatment of WEEE
EERA Feedback
Scavenging of WEEE
environmental and economic consequences for society
SOFIES Study - BFRs 2020
Study on the Impacts of Brominated Flame Retardants on the Recycling of WEEE plastics in Europe.
Tackling Lithium Battery Fires
Recommendations for tackling fires caused by Lithium Batteries in WEEE
Best Practise for Handling Batteries
Sharing experiences and best practices with batteries in WEEE
Technical Guidance Document
Technical Guidance for safe collection and transport of WEE with batteries
EERA Position Statement
Response to new EU proposals for UTC/ PBDE limits and the POP Regulation
Ban single-use disposable e-cigarettes in Europe
A call for banning single-use disposable e-cigarettes has been made by eight European Organisations to the European Parliament and Council
Join Us in Shaping Europe’s Circular Economy for WEEE